Kindness is something that is ofen overlooked and underestimated. Be kind to your neighbors, friends, loved ones and even to strangers. Not only can kindness lift people up but it can also improve your self esteem when being kind to other people, Take for example my Ekpharis post about the girl who stuck between a place of hope and hopelessness. Not only did her father died but she felt out of place in world that completely ignored her aside from her mother. But she found light in the tunnel that she was stuck in because she had hope that thing will soon get better. She believed that her father was watching her from above. Kindness and hope are both positive feelings but they both can be crushed in an instant. But if you take a moment to yourself and look at your surronding every once in a while you can see it everywhere. For example, in my photogrpahers eye post I included photos that express a sense of peace and happiness. Everyone is free to do whatever makes them happy as long as they are not hurting other in the process. I chose photos that vary from pastries to a small sweet kitty. Just like with everything we should know when to take time for ourselves to be kind to ourselves and enjoy each present moment. It can be even be small gesture such as getting yourself a delicious treat or enjoying the night sky by yourself. Another one fo my posts titled ''My Abode'' is a description of my safe space that I adore.
Inner Thoughts
Sunday, August 6, 2023
Photographers Eyes
Bon Appetit-
Sweet Kitty-
Tragedy Scripted and Staged
The interpretation of Hamlet perfectly described the scene in Queen Gertrude's closet where Hamlet confronts his mother about marrying her husband's brother. During the argument, Hamlet looks mad from all the hate he feels for his mother and doesn't seem to be in his right mind. Just like the interpretation states, Hamlet being too focused on his task ends up killing Polonius but doesn't seem to be affected by the situation at all. Polonius is in the queen's room because he asked her to tell Hamlet that he needs to behave after the scene that he put on display in front of everyone. Compared to the script the stage seems to bring every character to life, especially Hamlet because you can see the madness in Hamlet's eye and feel pity for Gertrude who is being berated by her son. I chose this scene because it shows how hurt Hamlet felt by his mother's choice and how the sadness of his father's death drove him into madness. He feels no emotion at all when killing his late father's advisor. If Hamlet had killed Claudius when he had the chance then he could have spared everyone their death but because he didn't he ended up killing his mother, Polonius, Ophelia, and himself.
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Not Seen On TV
The video that I have chosen is 'Devo' by Jocko Homo and in the video, there is a large amount of symbolism. The video first starts showing a clown that seems to be in a rush and runs from one room to another to a general. The said general asks for the paperwork that the clown has and continues to read off the paperwork. Once he finishes, the scene changes to one of a guy that is seen dancing to the beat of the song and has a group of people sitting near him. He continues to sing ''Are we, not men?'' and three men wearing pantyhoses over their faces say ''No we are Devo''. Details that seem important to me is that the people in the background of the video are wearing face masks and a medical cap over their heads. Also, towards the end of the video the three men that wore pantyhose over their heads are on top of the table and look like they are being kept hostaged. From the beginning of the video the three individuals that were sitting near the singer were shocked by how the singer was finally dancing but towards the end of the movie they are going along with the beat of the song. When using moving images without narration it allows the viewer to freely interpret the message of the video. When having someone narrate the video it completely distracts the viewer to fully enjoy the video at their own pace. The videos message is about how we are always told what to believe in especially when it comes to evolution. Some people believe that humans are becoming an advanced species but whats actually happening is the opposite. While it seems that we are growing we are actually becoming devolutionized because now we are just becoming more obedient and controlled by the higher ups. The colorful scenes appeal to me more and especially the beats of the song that flow smoothly throughout the video.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Anatomy of a Scene
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Benevolence Manifesto
Kindness is something that is ofen overlooked and underestimated. Be kind to your neighbors, friends, loved ones and even to strangers. No...